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Graduation Requirements

Ohio’s new high school graduation requirements give students more flexibility to choose a graduation pathway that builds on their strengths and passions – one that ensures they are ready for their next steps and excited about the future.

We tend to think of post-high school options as one of the following four options: employment, education, entrepreneurship, or enlistment.  In partnering with the Educational Service of Central Ohio, we created videos from our students in the Central Ohio region who have selected one of these options and share their experiences: Amazing Futures

In Worthington, we continue to provide support for students to select their graduation pathway.  In order to make it clear for students and families, we created the following visual to layout Ohio's graduation requirements as well as our courses and options for fulfilling them.  Feel free to click on the visual icons or download the whole document to view the clickable pictures for more information.  If you have any questions about the graduation requirements, feel free to reach out to your School Counselor.

First page of the PDF file: NewUpdateGraduationRequiremnts101322