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Attendance Policies

The Worthington City School District believes daily attendance is a foundational piece of a student’s academic success. In creating an environment for that academic success, the district works with students and their parents/guardians to encourage consistent ongoing attendance.  

Regular school attendance and classroom interaction are important parts of the educational process. Prolonged or repeated absences disrupt not only the education of the individual but also the continuity of the process in the entire classroom. The district urges parents/guardians to minimize the time their students are absent from class.

Schools are responsible for knowing where students are each day. Please help keep an accurate account of your child's daily attendance by contacting the office, calling the attendance line or emailing the attendance monitor at your building. Contact information is posted on each school's website.

When contacting the school, please include the following information:

  • Name of the person calling
  • Name and grade of the student who will be absent
  • Date of the absence
  • Reason for the absence
  • Contact phone number of parent/guardian

For appointments, please contact the school office in advance so that your child can be ready for pick up.

The statues of the Ohio Revised Code governing school attendance are specific and leave little option for school authorities to excuse students from school except for the following:

  • Personal illness
  • Death in the family
  • Illness in the family
  • Quarantine of the home
  • Religious holidays
  • Field Trips
  • College Visits
  • Family Emergency
  • Volunteering to serve as precinct officer during elections
  • Medical or dental appointments

Absences for any other reasons are generally unexcused. The following guidelines must be adhered to by all students enrolled in Worthington schools regardless of age. Parents must excuse the absences of dependent 18-year old students.