Gifted Services
About Gifted Services
Worthington Schools offers a continuum of services for gifted learners, which includes:
• Enriched Placement Program (EPP) Math (Grades 3-5): a self-contained, single subject (math) course for students identified as gifted in areas of superior cognitive ability and math
• Elementary Reading Cluster (Grades 3-5): service provided within the regular classroom by a general education teacher receiving on-going professional development on meeting the needs of the gifted learner for students identified as gifted in areas of superior cognitive ability and reading
• Accelerated Math (Grades 6-7): two courses that condense 3 years of math (Math 6, Math 7, and Math 8) into 2 years
• Enriched English Language Arts (Grades 6-8): a self-contained, single subject (reading) course for students identified as gifted in areas of superior cognitive ability and reading
• MS Language Arts Cluster (Grades 6-8): service provided within the regular classroom by a general education teacher receiving on-going professional development on meeting the needs of the gifted learner for students identified as gifted in the area of reading
• Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) Courses
• College Credit Plus Courses
2024-2025 Referral Deadlines
- Elementary Referral Deadline (Grades 3-5)
- Middle School Referral Deadline (Grades 6-8)
- Single Subject & Grade Acceleration
- Early Entrance To Kindergarten Referrals & Placements
Elementary Referral Deadline (Grades 3-5)
Middle School Referral Deadline (Grades 6-8)
Single Subject & Grade Acceleration
Early Entrance To Kindergarten Referrals & Placements