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Pediculosis (Head Lice)

Pediculosis, or head lice, is a nuisance condition but common among students and very treatable.  If your student is found to have head lice, please let the school know as soon as possible.  Your school nurse can also help you with treatment options.  

If a student is determined to have lice at school, a parent/guardian will be contacted to pick the student up for treatment options.  

Head Lice Management

Dealing with head lice can be a most frustrating experience for parents. To make matters worse, head lice have become increasingly resistant to many of the treatments available on the market. It has become very important for families to be vigilant about knowing the signs of infestation and the appropriate ways to manage the problem should you discover your child has head lice. The district nurses have found the following resources to be extremely helpful.

For a reference document including approved over-the -counter and prescription treatments for head lice, visit CDC Head Lice Treatment  .