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Design Challenge

Students from grades K-12 are eligible to participate in the Worthington Science Day Design Challenge.  This event begins on the day of Worthington Science Day and will run concurrently to the Science Fair and Invention Convention judging. 
Space is limited, so please register early.  Due to the amount of prep for the Design Challenge, there will not be any registration allowed the day of the event.
Students will be in groups of 3 students and compete against students in the same grade band (K-3, 4-5, 6-8, 9-12) to design and build an object which meets the design specifications given out on the day of the event.  This object will be judged upon these specifications.
Design Challenge
Design Challenge
Design Challenge from the 2024 Worthington Science Day: Straw rockets

Design Challenge from the 2023 Worthington Science Day: Sandwich protector
Sandwich protector
All grade levels had the same challenge but the resources varied by grade bands. 

Design Challenge from the 2020 Worthington Science Day: Straw rockets

Design Challenge from the 2019 Worthington Science Day: Lego towers, and Lego sail car

Design Challenge from the 2018 Worthington Science Day: Sandwich protector
Sandwich protector
All grade levels had the same challenge but the resources varied by grade bands. 

Design Challenge from the 2017 Worthington Science Day: Pringle drop
All grade levels had the same challenge but the resources varied by grade bands. 

Design Challenge from the 2016 Worthington Science Day: Golf ball transporter course
All grade levels had the same challenge, but the resources varied by grade bands and the course became more difficult by grade bands as well. 

Design Challenge from the 2015 Worthington Science Day: Marble transporter

Design Challenge from the 2014 Worthington Science Day: Building a lunch table