Science Fair
Students participating in the Worthington Science Day science fair competition from grades 5-12 and earning a "Superior" rating are eligible to move on to the Central Ohio District Science Day held at Columbus State Community College in mid March.
The best of those projects are then sent on to the State Science Day held at Ohio State University in May.
Students from Grades K-12 are eligible to participate in the Science Fair competition or to share their projects.
Any science fair project that requires the use of the following is required to complete the appropriate forms for Scientific Review Committee approval: ALL FORMS (Forms will be updated in June)
- Human subjects
- Vertebrate animals
- Pathogens
- Hazardous substances or devices
- Human and Vertebrate Animal Tissue
Note: Projects which require SRC approval but have not gone through the SRC will not be allowed to advance to the Central Ohio District Science Day or eligible for awards. These projects will still require approval from your classroom teacher and principal.
All projects requiring SRC approval must be submitted to the SRC committee prior to the meeting date, or have their science teacher present them to the SRC in person. Please contact Brian Geniusz if you have any questions.
The Worthington Science Day Science Fair competition will abide by all of the rules set down by the organization Society for Science & The Public.