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Summer Program Employment

The 2025 summer programming window is June 2 - June 26, and there is an extended learning session July 7 - July 17 for high school students who need additional time for credit recovery.  Most programs will run Monday-Thursday in person; there will be no summer learning programs on June 19 in recognition of Juneteenth.  Elementary programs run 3 hours daily, and WSEA programs run 2.5 hours daily (10 hours per week) with an additional 2.5 hours of planning for each 10 hours of instruction; middle school programs will run either 2 or 2.5 hours daily with a comparable ratio of planning to instructional time; hours for high school initial credit and credit recovery courses vary by program.  

Positions are available for:
  • Worthington Summer Enrichment Academy - click HERE for more information and to submit a proposal
  • Blended courses for initial (get-ahead) credit - click HERE for more information and to submit a proposal
  • District intervention programs - Summer Reading Camp, Literacy and Math Boost programs, MS Project-Based Enrichment, programs for English Learners, and Credit Recovery
  • Other programs - including Get Your Act Together (gr 5-7) and Bridge to 9th Grade (gr 8)
If you are interested in any instructional (including HS counselor or SLP) or teacher leader/administrative summer program position, please apply with the link.  Opportunities for classified positions will be posted on Frontline. The positions listed below are for Worthington Schools summer program teaching, counseling, and administrative positions and are available for internal AND external candidates.  


First page of the PDF file: SummerProgram2025postingsdocx