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School Safety Drills

Fire drills, tornado drills and evacuation drills are held periodically to prepare children for an emergency, should one arise. 

If you are visiting the school during a fire drill, you will notice that the children will exit the building and will remain quietly at a designated location where they will be counted by their teachers. All persons – staff, volunteers, and visitors -- are required to leave the building during a fire drill. The building should be vacated in less than two minutes.

Tornado emergency drills are also practiced seasonally. Children go to their shelter location quickly and assume a protected body posture. If a tornado watch is in effect at regular dismissal times, students will be dismissed as usual. If a tornado warning is in effect at regular dismissal times, students will not be dismissed unless accompanied by their parent or guardian.

All schools in the Worthington district also conduct safety drills to prepare staff and students for the unlikely event that an intruder, or other emergency situations occur that necessitate the evacuation or lockdown of the building. These drills are conducted with the support of local first responders, and in accordance with requirements of The Ohio Department of Education, in cooperation with The Department of Homeland Security. All staff received specific training provided by the district to respond when necessary.