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Talking To Students About Safety

According to the American Psychological Association, parents/caregivers are the single most influential people in a child’s life when it comes to making them feel safe and equipping them with the resources and skills they need to be successful as adults.

Here are some ways you can ensure your child stays safe at school and wherever they go.

1. See Something Say Something. Teach your child to say something to a trusted adult anytime they see something out of the ordinary or feel as if something is off.

2. Make time to talk. Asking your child about their day reinforces that you care and encourages them to share information openly and honestly.

3. Reassure them. Reassure your child that schools and other social settings are safe.

4. Review safety procedures. This will look different depending on the age of your child. For example, in early elementary school, this may include teaching them to look both ways before they cross the street and helping them to memorize their phone number and/or address, while in high school, it may involve reminding them not to text while driving and not to talk to people they don’t know on social media.

We all play a part in keeping our schools and community safe.

Thank you for your support of your child and the entire Worthington School district.